ACA Meetings in Europe

Valvoja: webmaster

ACA Meetings in Europe

ViestiKirjoittaja vesiheina » 04 Marras 2014, 07:50

Does your contry have ACA meetings? How many?
Are they registered to the world service?
Do you have an intergroup - meetings for the ACA groups in your country? If yes, how does this help groups?
Viestit: 470
Liittynyt: 01 Kesä 2006, 17:49
Paikkakunta: Joensuu

Re: ACA Meetings in Europe

ViestiKirjoittaja elisha777 » 05 Syys 2015, 15:43

Yes in Tallinn we have one english speaking meeting. All our groups are listed in wso site. As our group is only in Tallinn and contains quite few ppl we do not have intergroup.
Viestit: 14
Liittynyt: 24 Maalis 2012, 13:05

Paluu English


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